Annette Jones

Visiting Tutor and Trainer

Annette Jones is a highly respected couples therapist who works with those who want to improve the quality of their relationships, as well as those facing divorce, separation or relationship crisis. As a trainer, Annette’s energy and passion for this stimulating and rewarding area of therapy shines through as she guides others in how to navigate the sensitivities of infidelity, intimacy, sex, passion, money, arguments, abuse, abandonment and other key issues that can arise between couples.

Annette has been a couples counsellor since the late 1990's working both for agencies doing sessional work and in her own private practice. Alongside specialising in couples therapy, she is experienced in working with issues of Domestic Violence and has developed a methodology for helping couples separate together. She is also trained in drug, alcohol and substance misuse counselling and works with both individuals and couples.