Welcome to the fascinating world of human relationships 

At Connexus, we want you to be the best psychotherapist, counsellor, consultant, manager, or company you can be. As specialists in Transactional Analysis and the wider psychologies of relationships, personality and communication, our fully accredited training programmes and business consultancy will open your mind to a new world of possibilities.

Psychotherapy and Counselling training

From curious starter to professionally accredited Counsellor, UKCP registered Psychotherapist or internationally accredited Certified Transactional Analyst, we will help you to take your career to the next level. Choose from our broad range of Transactional Analysis-based courses, with dedicated professionals here to support you along the way.

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Professional excellence courses and workshops

Designed to stimulate, develop and extend your learning in a way you will enjoy, our exciting range of high quality workshops and certificate and diploma courses are open to everyone, whether you are looking for self development, CPD courses or professional excellence development in areas such as trauma, couples and clinical supervision.

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Consultancy Services

Organisations must learn and develop faster than their ever-changing environment to survive, especially in dynamic and uncertain contexts. Our consultancy service helps organisations achieve this agility through Transactional Analysis (TA). Besides our training programs, we offer bespoke consultancy solutions tailored to your needs. Our experts work closely with your team to diagnose challenges, develop strategic initiatives, and implement effective solutions. Whether you aim to enhance leadership, optimise team dynamics, or navigate complex changes, our consultancy provides the tools and support for success.

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Our Courses